
How to pay

You can pay us by cash, cheque or bank transfer, and we also take card payments in person, ie Visa, Mastercard, Apple Pay and most Debit cards.

However, to make it extra easy for you to pay us, you can now set up a direct debit with us so that you don’t have to worry about looking for payment when we call. Simply sign up using our secure online payment service from Go Cardless.

Paying the easy way

Setting up a payment with our Go Cardless system will only take a few moments. We take the direct debit 2 days after we have cleaned your windows.

If you have any questions or would like to learn more about it, then don’t hesitate to get in touch.

Areas We Cover

Our service covers a large area, including Monmouth, Raglan, Chepstow, Ross On Wye and Herefordshire.

What Our Customers Are Saying